Tuesday, December 3, 2019

New Book from an Executive Coach

New Book from an Executive Coach For professionals who want to be able to get through the obstacles that come while in pursuit of success, Ruth Mott has released an insightful book to help. I Love YouNow Get Over Yourself 7 Secrets for Professional Success from The Jewish Motzu sich Executive Coach, is a book that offers valuable and applicable solutions to common problems that professionals have to contend with while working toward success. Mott, an executive coach and president of Mott Coaching, had this to say about her book The professional world is a difficult and complex place. In this book, its my goal to give readers the tools they need to get out of their own way so they can be successful with some humor, maybe a little guilt, and, of course, direct advice, just like a good Jewish motherMott has traveled the world as an executive coach and uses her experiences to contribute to gainful in sights revealed in the book. Her book includes examples and success stories from executives that have applied her strategies in their businesses and have seen growth and continued success. Mott adds, My multifaceted background has significantly contributed to my abilities and success as an executive coach. More than anything, my experience has taught me exactly what people need to hear to be successfulMott Coaching is an executive coaching and leadership development consulting company that assists career professionals in getting through challenges to achieve success. She offers 15 years experience as an executive in the healthcare industry, as well as additional years as a public television administrator, producer and director and eight years as a consultant.For more information about Ruths book, visit http//www.TheJewishMotherCoach.com.

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